Cierra también todos los programas que tengas abiertos.Desactiva temporalmente el Antivirus > Cómo deshabilitar temporalmente su Antivirus.En el apartado del manual Informes > Informe de análisis encontrarás el reporte de MBAM, clic en Exportar > Copiar al portapapeles.Ģ) Descarga AdwCleaner | InfoSpyware en el escritorio.Pulsar en “Cuarentena seleccionado” para enviarlo a la cuarentena y Reinicias el sistema.Realiza un Análisis de amenazas, actualizando si te lo pide.I am sure it will be for you.Realiza los siguientes pasos, aunque hayas hecho alguno, sin cambiar el orden:ġ) Descarga, actualiza y ejecuta Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware, revisa en detalle el manual, para que sepas usarlo y configurarlo. Reading Isaacson’s biography has given me a much needed positivity boost. Both books offer a positive look into the life and mind of a remarkable individual. This book gave tips on how to incorporate Da Vinci’s ideas of living an intellectual life. In a past post I reviewed a book that focused on Da Vinci’s thought processes. What also really struck me was his study of the heart, specifically the aortic valve. The control the Church had made it difficult to understand and treat illness it was incredibly backwards. Keep in mind medical care, if you can call it that, was heavily influenced by the medieval Catholic Church and its absurd mysticism. With 240 drawings and thousands of words written–if he had published his anatomy notebooks, he would have revolutionized medicine. Not only did his study of anatomy make him an excellent painter, he was able to determine the inner workings of the human body. I think what really astounded me was Da Vinci’s meticulous work on anatomy. We have airplanes, fighter jets, helicopters, and drones. He most definitely had the right idea when it came to flying machines and tanks. I remember in the early 2000s visiting The Museum of Science and Industry’s exhibit of Da Vinci’s scientific achievements. He was able to bridge the sciences, engineering, hydraulics, military sciences, urban planning, painting, and even theatre production. Leonardo understood the importance of integrating knowledge. I believe this was a positive for him he became the perfect embodiment of a polymath. I am in awe of what Da Vinci was able to accomplish, despite not having a formal education. Walter Isaacson’s biography of Da Vinci did not disappoint. I want to direct your attention to one of my favorite renaissance artist the great Leonardo Da Vinci. Do we really need another documentary or about Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy? I prefer biographies of individuals who contributed to the advancement of civilization. We live in a time when there are endless documentaries and books about serial killers and other psychopaths.